Multi Instrumentalist and National Touring Artists Shows Off His goSTAND

National touring artist, Ben Hammond has been a
ctive in the studio, producing 3 full length albums (10,000 independently sold and counting), multiple music videos, and a live concert DVD "Solo at Stone Mountain Arts Center". Thousands of shows later at hundreds of venues, festivals and private events, Hammond has honed his smooth, energetic style and is one of the most sought after musicians in those places he's called home.

Basically, my wife and I share a car, and so I have been taking public transit to some of my gigs that have a PA installed. I've got a great little portable setup with a rolling suitcase, but the missing piece was the mic stand, and the goSTAND was the perfect solution. I like using a goose-neck, and generally I have an iPad holder near the top and also a little arm bar that comes off to hold my small Rolls amp. Now, with the portable goSTAND, I can take planes, trains or automobiles and have everything I need for my gig.
- Ben Hammond www.benhammondmusic.com