Roadie Free Radio Podcast and goSTANDS
Larry Milburn’s Roadie Free Radio is your vip pass to the behind the scene's of both the music and film Industries. From the independent film producer who has to make his or her day despite inclement weather, to the guitar tech changing the umpteenth set of strings on the bus at 2 AM, he is fascinated by these people and their stories. He has been around music and film his whole life, and loves watching and reading about all of the action backstage and behind the scenes.
What was your inspiration behind Roadie Free Radio and when did it start?
Roadie Free Radio was born out of my love for music and film, and the incredible network of people who work tirelessly night after night to make sure each performance can be the best possible. I started the podcast almost two years ago at the urging of a few friends who are touring pros.
I made a short film back in 2004 that was really meant to be a vehicle to help my acting career, but after the film came out I decided that directing/producing was really where my heart lay. The film was an homage to TOP GUN, told through the world of roadies. Unbeknownst to me, it had built up a pretty sizable cult following among roadies, and some of those guys suggested that I should keep doing something in that world. Like I said, I love the inner-workings of movie sets, deals, concerts, and recordings, and the idea of producing my own podcast where I get to interview the people that make these things happen seemed like the right thing to do.
How did you extend the idea from your first independent video to pod-casting and then to video interviews?
After the film came out in 2004 I spent many years producing and editing EPK specials and behind the scenes bonus features for film & TV. I worked on some great projects for DODGE, BMW, 20th Century Fox, and American Idol.
When I started the podcast I literally made a list of friends of mine that I thought would be great on the show, and from there my guest list has grown to an incredible group based on referrals. Many times I’ll get an email from someone who has listened to the show and wants to share their story. If I think it’s the right fit, I’ll schedule a time and interview them.
What are some of your favorite pieces of gear you use on the show?
My favorite pieces of gear that I use regularly for the show are my Telefunken M80 mics, a Focusrite Scarlet 2i2, a Zoom H4n, my vintage Shure sm55 mic, and of course, my Airturn Gostands.
Who are you listening to now and why do they inspire you?
I get inspired by other creators all the time. Currently, Marc Maron, Lij Shaw, Peter Mckinnon, and Song Exploder are what I’m listening to or watching on Youtube.
If you could travel back to 2004, what would you tell yourself to do differently after all you learned over the years?
If I could travel back to 2004 and give myself some advice it would be to start creating content for myself right away. The world of podcasting was just around the corner and platforms such as Youtube were ripe for jumping in. I spent a lot of years thinking I had to be creative for someone else.
If you have a creative bone in your body and you think you have something to say, go out and say it. Start today. There’s always room for improvement, but if you don’t take the first step there’s nothing to improve. Good luck!
Check out Roadie Free Radio Here: http://www.roadiefreeradio.com/

I love my goStands! I can honestly say they are some of the best pieces of gear I have in my podcasting arsenal. Most of the people I interview are live touring professionals, I do my interviews right in the back of the tour bus, and when I pull my goStands out of the bag they are usually quick to notice how unique and compact they are. My whole podcast kit is smaller and easier to carry now.
– Larry Milburn of Roadie Free Radio